About The Phare
PHARE, an old English word for lighthouse or beacon to guide seafarers, is a UK based literary magazine which true to its name, shines a light on exceptional writing from around the world.
As well as showcasing creative works of new fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction, we provide writing resources: an online writers’ forum, live online and traditional workshops, masterclasses and retreats.
What we're looking for
We’re not going to be proscriptive about the writing we’re looking for, but please read an issue of The Phare to get an idea of the type of work we publish. We like reading words that hold a mirror up to ourselves – something that reflects the truth of being human.
We provide a platform for your writing and help promote your work through our 60 second pitch and social media.
The blue and green areas on the map below shows you the extent of our readership - we are read all over the world. Most concentrated coverage is in green. We attract more unique visitors than 94% of other books & literature sites worldwide.
What makes us different?
Supporting each other makes us better writers. Our writing workshops and retreats give members of The Phare community the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other, discuss pieces that aren't quite working and use each other, and the skills and experience of our visiting authors and editors to improve your craft. You can keep updated on all our activities through our newsletter - you'll need to become a member of The Phare community, but all we ask for is your name and email address.
Charges & Submissions
Please see our 'Submit' page for information on our submission fees and how to send us your work.