We are closed for
The Phare Schedule
Our published magazine dates are as follows:
Summer 25: submissions open 15 April - 30 June at 6.30pm BST
Winter 25: submissions open 4th October - 29th Nov at 6.30pm BST
Submission Fees
In order to keep The Phare running, pay for website maintenance and hosting etc, we ask a small submission fee. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee you can submit your work and know that you've helped keep the lights on at Phare HQ. Details of fees can be found here.
Submission with feedback
If you would like to submit and receive general feedback on your work from the editors, please check out the information below. For feedback/edits outside of our submission window, please see here.
How to submit: 1) Read guidelines below 2) Pay for submission 3) Email us your work
Submission Guidelines
Short Fiction (including Flash)/Poetry/Creative Non-Fiction
Before submitting, please read an issue of The Phare so you're aware of the type of work we publish.
Use a sensible font, 12 point. Double-spaced for fiction and creative non-fiction, single-spaced for poetry.
Short fiction/flash/creative non-fiction format: please do not indent new paras or dialogue - just add appropriate line breaks.
In the subject box, please say whether it's short fiction, flash, creative non-fiction or poetry and the title of the piece e.g. ‘Short Fiction – My Phare Lady’
In the body of the email please include a third person author’s bio of no more than 75 words with any social media or personal website links
Please send no more than one piece of short fiction (up to 2000 words), one piece of creative non-fiction (up to 2000 words) one piece of flash (up to 500 words) or two poems (max 40 lines). Your work will not be considered if it exceeds the word or line count and we'll be unable to refund submission fees. Please check before sending!
On each piece please type your name, email address and word count (line count if it’s a poem)
Please send your piece as a word document attachment. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN PDF FORMAT.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us if your story has been accepted elsewhere. Please note that any entry fees are non-refundable.
Unpublished pieces only please.
We may suggest a few minor edits before publication.
There are a few things that will turn the The Phare's lights out; overtly transgressive, gratuitous violence and/or sex, religious intolerance, anything homophobic or racist. And sorry, we’re not the right place for YA or children’s literature.
By submitting your written work to The Phare Literary Magazine you are granting us non-exclusive rights to publish in our online journal at www.thephare.com and in any The Phare print journal or anthology. We will also be granted non-exclusive archival rights to display the written work for as long as The Phare exists. Copyright remains with the author.
If you are unsuccessful, we'd love you to submit again but please wait until the next submission window.
Email your submissions (once you’ve read above guidelines) to pharesubmissions@gmail.com We aim to respond to submissions within 60 days.
Submission Fees
To pay via PayPal, simply click on the relevant item from the drop down menu. If you don't use PayPal, you can log in as a guest. Please note that if you decide to withdraw your work, fees are non-refundable.
Submission with Editor’s General Feedback
This will consist of submission into our current reading period (no need to pay entry fee) and overview comments from one of The Phare’s senior editors. We will be honest and supportive – offering our considered and experienced opinion on where things worked, and where you might consider revision. We will send our overview comments in an email within 21 days of receipt of your work, together with a note saying whether your piece has or hasn’t been accepted for publication in our next issue. Please note The Phare is currently accepting only around 5% of submissions. Please note that if you decide to withdraw your work before feedback is received, any fees are non-refundable.