Feedback & Editing Service
Senior Editor’s feedback - £5.00 per poem or flash fiction. This will consist of an overview of the piece, what worked for us and what didn’t. Please note: positive feedback is not a guarantee your piece will be accepted for publication. Work submitted for edit will not be considered for publication so please do not submit your work until feedback has been given.
Senior Editor’s line edits - £20 per flash fiction, £28 per short story. (Sorry, we don’t currently offer a line edit service for poetry). This will consist of a line by line edit using MS Word ‘review’ in a reviewing pane. We will comment on all aspects of your piece including some (but probably not all!) copy editing. In addition to sentence level suggested edits we will feedback on POV, tense, characterisation, plot and theme. The price does not include an email ‘debate’ with the editor once the edit has been returned to you. Please allow 2 weeks for our response. Please note: positive feedback is not a guarantee your piece will be accepted for publication. Work submitted for edit will not be considered for publication so please do not submit your work until feedback has been given.
How does it work?
To pay via PayPal, simply click on the relevant item from the drop down menu on the tip jar. Once you receive your confirmation email from PayPal, copy and paste the reference number(s) at the top of your submission email. If you don't use PayPal, you can log in as a guest. We're sorry, but should you decide to withdraw your work before feedback is received, any fees paid will not be refunded as Editors may have already spent time reviewing your work.
Photography Submissions
We are always open for PHOTOGRAPHY submissions. To submit please email your images to pharesubmissions@gmail.com If your file is too large to email, please send via WeTransfer to the same email address. You can send files up to 2GB via this method. Landscape or portrait is fine. A minimum of three and maximum of ten pieces at a time please. We will consider exceptions if specific collections house more than twenty photos. Please include a short bio and links to personal website/social media. If you are submitting a collection please include a few words of description - max 50 words.
We are more likely to publish photos that fit our design aesthetic that centre around everyday life: architecture, nature, locales, landscapes, people, urban decay, etc. Please note that we may select accepted photos to accompany a piece of writing and/or to use as headers on our website and promotional materials (we will always provide proper attribution).
By submitting your photography to The Phare Literary Magazine you are granting us non-exclusive rights to publish in our online journal at www.phare.com and in any The Phare print journal or anthology. We will also be granted non-exclusive archival rights to display the photography for as long as Phare exists. Copyright remains with the photographer.