Donald Teskey. Ballinglen
Amanda Bell
These are the seascapes of my dream –
sheer waves, surf a blinding white,
all fractals tilting towards the centre
where a rockpool holds my eye.
I scale down sheets of terraced rock,
then all else fades to nothing
but the tinnitus of surf,
the tiny searchlight
of a yellow periwinkle.
Amanda Bell is an award-winning poet and author, and the recipient of a Literature Bursary from the Arts Council of Ireland in 2020. Publications include First the Feathers (Doire Press, 2017); Undercurrents (Alba, 2016); The Lost Library Book (Onslaught, 2017); and the loneliness of the sasquatch, from the Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock (Alba, 2018). A new collection, Riptide, is forthcoming from Doire Press, and a chapbook, Revolution, from wildflower poetry press. <>