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Maybe This is How We Discover the Origins of the World

Ann Pedone

in the opening and closing of this
untamable flesh more
poem than memory more
memory than music
a body suspended some
where between metaphor and
lust between hunger and prayer
this is sex mouthed as bird
song language that leads the
body back to what fills it
a woman spread out like this
can only reveal a history
of rebirth consummation
and pooled blood
my only crime was to open
my legs like this
my only crime was to
show you this
slow forming hole in my sky & all at once
all at once
this is my first confession.

Ann Pedone graduated from Bard College and has a Master’s degree in Chinese from UC Berkeley. Ann is the author of the chapbook "The Bird Happened." Her work has appeared in Ornery Quarterly, Riggwelter, Main Street Rag, Poet head, and Cathexis Northwest, and The Wax Paper, among others.

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