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Theresa Wyatt

High winds rattle fence boards loose,
the sound no longer faint like August.
And birds? The birds have all
taken the train.

Yet you stay and come to me
as draft through windows – or
the singular knocking branch.

Sleeping, you rest inside
thin clouds, losing hair
I find on sweaters.

What of this day and night?
My heart’s blown open – cleared
for any agent or channel – however
you wish to reach me now.

Theresa Wyatt is the author of Hurled Into Gettysburg (BlazeVox Books, 2018). Her work has been published in New Flash Fiction Review, New Micro (W.W. Norton, 2018), Spillway, Still You (Wolf Ridge Press, 2020)), The Ekphrasis Review, and the Medical Literary Messenger. Theresa will make her eighth appearance shortly in The Healing Muse Journal (Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY). She resides near Buffalo, New York. An interview with the author can be found at

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